Resin Hose Manufacturer in Japan

About US

Corporate Profile


HEAD OFFICE: Unity Forum 5F, 42-18, 1-Chome, Itabashi, Itabashi-Ku, Tokyo, 173-0004 JAPAN
TEL: +81-3-3963-5381 FAX: +81-3-3961-4400
OSAKA OFFICE: Akatsuki Building 7F, 13-45, Toyotsu-cho, Suita-shi, Osaka 564-0051, JAPAN
TEL: +81-6-6310-6880 FAX: +81-3-3961-4400
SAITAMA FACTORY: 591-2 Fujikubo, Miyoshimachi, Iruma-Gun, Saitama 354-0041, JAPAN
TEL: +81-49-258-1701 FAX: +81-49-259-1372
AKITA FACTORY: 46-1 Gassan, Masuda-Aza, Masuda-Machi, Yokoteshi, Akita 019-0701, JAPAN
TEL: +81-182-45-4485 FAX: +81-182-45-5346

Company Email Address:

Establishment Date: April 1, 1960
Paid-In Capital: 50,000,000 Japanese Yen (As of May 2022)
President and Representative Director: Tadahiro Abe
Number of Employees: 105 (As of May 2022)
Main Bank: MUFG Bank, Ltd. Shin-Itabashi Branch & Mizuho Bank, Itabashi Branch

Business: Designing and Manufacturing Hoses and Fittings

  • Industrial Hoses (for Machine Tools, Plastic Molding Machine or Facilities)
  • Food Grade Hoses (for Soft Drink, Alcohol, Pure Water and Other Foods)
  • Chemical Hoses (for Paints, Solvents, Ink, Acid, Alkali, Cosmetics, Other Chemicals)
  • High-Functional Hoses (for Electronics, Semiconductor, High Precision Machine and Clean Energy)

Message from the President

Thank you for visiting the website of HAKKO CORPORATION.
Since our company foundation in 1960, we have contributed to various industries that handle fluids based on our extrusion molding technology. We constantly strive to develop and offer products that meet our customers' expectations by utilizing the technology and experience we have cultivated over the course of our company history. Our mission is to "make a contribution to the growth of people and the realization of a better society through manufacturing.” We promise to be a trusted partner for our customers by developing and providing unique products and services in a timely manner and striving to improve quality.

HAKKO Three Features

1. HAKKO offers various kinds of made-to-order hoses in small quantities and has supplied our products to a wide range of industries.

Suitable Hose


Made-to-Order Hoses in Small Quantities


For Various Applications


2. HAKKO is a pioneer of multi-layer structure hoses using co-extrusion molding technology.

Multi-Layer Tubing Image


Cross-Section of Multi-Layer Tubing


Co-Extrusion Molding Technology


3. HAKKO also designs the fittings and makes additional processing such as multi-line tubing, bending tubing, coil tubing and inserting the hose/tubing with fittings. HAKKO can guarantee the matching between the hose and the fittings.



In order to contribute to the sustainable development of society, all employees comply with laws and international rules, respect human rights, and conduct business activities with high ethical standards.

1. Compliance with Laws and Regulations
In all corporate activities, we will comply with laws and regulations and conduct sensible activities in conformity with social ethics.

(a) Legal compliance shall be the basis of corporate management.
(b) We will closely monitor trends in laws and regulations that are applicable to our company (new laws, revisions, etc.), check and confirm them, and make them known within the company through the development of internal systems and training programs.
(c) Priority is given to compliance with laws and regulations over industry practices, business customs, and internal practices as the basis of corporate management.
(d) We will not purchase conflict minerals or other minerals that may cause social problems. (e) We establish the whistleblower protection department for reporting illegal acts, misconduct, and discrimination (including embezzlement).

2. Respect for Human Rights
Respect the human rights of each individual and eliminate discrimination and harassment based on race, ethnicity, religion, nationality, social status, gender, age, disability, etc.

(a) Recognize the importance of human rights and respect the human rights and diversity of people inside and outside the company involved in corporate activities.
(b) Create a corporate culture that is free from discrimination and harassment, and establish a system for consultation in the event of such incidents.
(c) We do not accept any child labor and forced labor (bonded or involuntary labor, slavery or human trafficking). We do not allow our business partners to engage in such practices, and we conduct human rights investigations of our business partners.
(d) We strive to stop human rights violations in our corporate activities to realize a society in which the dignity of all people is protected.

3. Environmental Responsibility and Sustainability
We will engage in corporate activities that contribute to a low-carbon and recycling-oriented society, and contribute to building a sustainable society in which the environment and the economy are in harmony.

(a) Recognize the need for global warming countermeasures such as energy conservation, and actively engage in such measures as part of our corporate activities.
(b) We will summarize the measures in a concrete action plan, set targets to put them into practice, make company-wide efforts to achieve them, and verify the results.
(c) Keep an eye on trends in related laws and regulations (new laws, revisions, etc.), inspect and confirm them, and disseminate them throughout the company through training and other means.
(d) Actively engage in 3R activities (waste reduction, reuse, and recycling).
(e) Consider the impact on the natural environment when procuring raw materials and manufacturing our products.
(f) Respect the diversity of human resources, which is the source of new value creation, and strive to create the work environment where each individual can demonstrate sensitivity and creativity by promoting the development and utilization of human resources.

4. Improvement of the Working Environment for Employees
We respect the diversity, personality, and individuality of our employees and treat them fairly and equitably.
We will create a safe, healthy, and comfortable work environment where employees can demonstrate their capabilities.

(a) We regard employees (including part-timers, etc.) as important management resources of the company.
(b) We will keep a close watch on trends in related laws and regulations (new laws, revisions, etc.), inspect and confirm them, and disseminate them through training and other means.
(c) In order to understand the needs of employees, we provide opportunities and occasions to understand the requests of employees.
(d) Pay sufficient attention to occupational health and safety, and periodically check the status.
(e) Make the management philosophy, management policy, and vision known to employees through training programs.
(f) Provide opportunities for employees to learn about the company's business philosophy, management policy, and vision.

5. Earning the Trust of Customers
We will provide products, services and information that meet customer needs. We will also appropriately protect and manage customer information. We will earn the trust of our customers by taking their opinions seriously and responding appropriately to them.

(a) The safety of our products and services is a prerequisite for profit and cost reduction.
(b) In the event of a defect or problem in our products or services, we will immediately take appropriate measures and disclose the facts in a timely manner.
(c) In public relations, advertising, and sales activities, we will communicate the truth accurately and promptly as a basic principle, and will comply with relevant laws and regulations.
(d) To prevent leakage and unauthorized use of customer information, rules for handling customer information are established and strictly controlled.
(e) We do not bribe customers, directly or indirectly, with money or other forms in return for favors. We do not promise any bribery acts or offer to do so.

6. Mutual Development with Business Partners
We will establish a healthy relationship of mutual trust with our business partners through smooth communication.

(a) Respect business partners as equal partners, regardless of the size of their operations.
(b) Respect free and fair trading rules, conduct business in good faith in accordance with contracts, and build healthy business relationships.
(c) We will not engage in unfair business practices (such as bid rigging, price fixing, and abuse of superior bargaining position).
(d) In the case of overseas transactions, we will be aware of the political and economic situations in the country where our business partners are located, and take differences in laws, regulations, and business practices into consideration.
(e) Information on business partners is strictly and appropriately handled to avoid leakage.
(f) We will not bribe our business partners, directly or indirectly, with money or other forms in return for favors. We shall not promise or offer to do so.
(g) We regard suppliers and contract manufacturers as our business partners. We work together to promote CSR by using our "CSR Promotion Guidelines." We request our business partners to comply with the guidelines thoroughly and continue to improve together.

7. Coexistence with the Community
We contribute to the healthy development of the community and a comfortable, safe, and secure lifestyle.

(a) We establish specific measures to be taken in the event of a disaster.
(b) We strive to conduct corporate activities as a member of the community for the sake of comfortable, safe, and secure living in the community.

8. Understanding and Support of Investors and Fund Providers
We will obtain the understanding and support of our investors and fund providers through fair and transparent corporate management.

(a) We ensure the accuracy and reliability of financial and tax accounting, and provide timely and appropriate explanations of business results and plans, mainly financial information.
(b) General meetings of shareholders and meetings of the Board of Directors shall be held in accordance with the procedures prescribed by law. Minutes of the meetings shall be written and stored.
(c) The authority of management and managers at all levels shall be clarified.
(d) Clarify that decisions are made based on the authority by means of approval documents.

9. Healthy Relationship with Politics and Government
We maintain healthy and transparent relationships with politics and government administration, avoid any corruption and act in a fair manner.

(a) Maintain highly transparent relationships with public officials and prohibit gift-giving and entertainment.
(b) Pay attention to overseas anti-corruption and anti-corruption regulations.

10. Dealing with Anti-social Forces
We take a firm stance against anti-social forces and groups that threaten social order and safety, and break off all relationships with them.

(a) We absolutely eliminate any relationship with anti-social forces.

Corporate History

 April 1959Our founder, Kousaku Abe, started the business by manufacturing and selling PVC resin hoses.
 April 1960"HAKKO Vinyl Limited Company" was established.
 September 1963Our first factory was set up in Oyaguchi, Itabashi.
 May 1968Our factory moved to Saitama.
 May 1970Paid Capital increased to 5,000,000 yen.
 June 1973Paid Capital increased to 10,000,000 yen.
 April 1975Start Manufacturing Urethane Hoses
 June 1982Paid Capital increased to 50,000,000 yen.
June 1984Mutsumi Corporation was established.
July 1984Our Corporate Name changed to "HAKKO CORPORATION."
August 1985Successfully manufacture and sell multi-layer hoses.
November 1991Akita Factory was set up.
October 2000Flexible Fluorine (PVDF) Resin Hose [E-PD and E-PDB] received the patent.
July 2005Our head office moved to the current location.
October 2006Osaka sales office was set up.
November 2008Flexible Fluorine (ETFE) Resin SUS Spring Wire Hose received the good-quality award from Itabashi Ward.
June 2009Mutsumi Corporation was transferred to "HAKKO CORPORATION."
April 2010Flexible Fluorine (ETFE) Resin SUS Spring Wire Hose received the awards from "Evaluating New Products in the Market."
March 2013Our Head Office, Saitama Factory and Akita Factory received the ISO 9001 and 14001 Certificates.
September 2013Solvent Transfer Hose [E-SV] received the patent.
November 2016Flexible Fluorine (ETFE) Resin Hose Series (Dissipative Type) received the best-quality award of 2016 from Itabashi Ward.
November 2017Flexible Fluorine (ETFE) Resin Hose Series (Dissipative Type) received "Tokyo Metropolitan Technical Special Award" at Worldwide Competition in 2017 (sponsored by Tokyo Metropolitan Government).
April 2018Flexible Fluorine (ETFE) Resin Hose Series (Dissipative Type) received the 30th Medium and Small-Sized
Enterprises Encouragement New Innovative Technologies and Products award.
May 2019Saitama Factory (Office Building) Renovation Completed.
April 2020Akita Factory was approved as an Invitation Company of Akita Prefecture
April 2021Akita Factory Warehouse Expansion Completed

ISO Certificate

ISO 9001: 2015
ISO 14001: 2015


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