Resin Hose Manufacturer in Japan

Question 5: What is the difference between burst pressure and working pressure?

Answer 5: Burst pressure is the value of pressure when hose gets burst after adding pressure to the hose. Usually, a yarn-casting off or pinhole bursting occurs when hoses get burst. Burst pressure is usually as four times as working pressure. Also, depending on the temperature, working and burst pressure might change.

Question 6: Why does the hose change the color into white if the hot water is transferred to the transparent PVC hose?

Answer 6: By pouring the hot water into the hose, the part of water molecule goes into the PVC hose. This is called moisture absorption. The hose looks like white if the water molecule goes into the PVC resin hose due to the fact that a refraction angle changes. If the hose turns white, there ...

Question 8: If there are no HAKKO original fittings for hose, how do we select the best fittings?

Answer 8: Although there are some differences among materials of the hose, it is a good idea to select the fittings whose fittings are 1 - 2mm smaller against the outside diameter of the hose size. PVC hoses are more stretchable than other material hoses.

Question 9: Our PVC hoses breed mold. How do we solve this problem?

Answer 9: PVC hoses contain the plasticizer. The plasticizer itself is a feed for bacteria to breed mold. If you would like to solve this problem, we strongly recommend you to adopt non-PVC hoses. Non-PVC hoses do not contain the plasticizer. Please select either "KY Hose Series" or "Flexible Fluorine Resin Hose Series."

Question 10: What is the difference between hose and tubing?

Answer 10: Hose contains reinforced materials such as yarn and spring wire. On the other hand, tubing does not contain any reinforced material.

Question 11: What is the difference between PVDF fluorine and ETFE fluorine?

Answer 11: Both PVDF and ETFE are types of fluorine. Compared with PVDF fluorine, ETFE fluorine has greater chemical resistance. ETFE fluorine stands proof against some type os solvents such as Ketone and Acetone.

Question 12: What is fluorine? What are its characteristics?

Answer 12: Fluorine is a material, which shows high chemical resistance, non-adhesiveness, and water-repellent properties.

Question 13: Why does PVC hoses get harden as time passes by?

Answer 13: PVC hose is originally very soft, because it contains plasticizer. However, plasticizer gradually flows out as the hose transfers oil or the hose exposed to the sun. Once the certain amount of plasticizer flows out, the hose turns hard.

Question 14: Why did you develop a multi-layer tube or hose?

Answer 14: A multi-layer tube or hose allows to add more than one function. For instance, customers have used teflon tube for high chemical resistance. However, they suffer from the problem of hardness. Our E-SJ, which is made of ETFE fluorine and PU, has both characteristics: high chemical resistance and flexibility.

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