
  1. Please use the joints to seal an inner surface of the tubing. In case you use the joints to seal an outer surface of the tubing, the bursting and/or coming off from the tubing might occur.
  2. Please do not use E-HRT for lubricating oil and solvents.
  3. Please do not let E-HRT contact with PVC products. Plasticizers in PVC products might transfer.
  4. When you use E-HRT for peristaltic pump applications and sterilization (autoclave), please evaluate and judge whether or not E-HRT can be used.
  5. When you use our products, please refer to "Precautions for Use."
  6. In terms of chemical resistance, please refer to the table below. If you cannot find the chemical name on the table below, please contact us for the chemical compatibility.

■ Chemical Resistant Chart on E-HRT


  1. The judging criteria of the chemical resistance data are made under the fixed circumstances. Thus, depending on how you use hoses, out product may not be used even though the chemical resistance data shows $\unicode{x25CE}$ or $\bigcirc$.
  2. When pouring the fluid, be sure to confirm the safety of the HAKKO product under the actual use conditions.
  3. If there is no additional information, concentration of water solution is saturation.
  4. Figures included in parentheses show the concentration percentage and the lab test temperature. If there is no additional explanation, the lab test was conducted at room temperature (about 20 degrees Celsius).
  5. The following chart is chemical resistance date only for physical properties. If the chemical substance is gas, this data is are not guaranteed. Do NOT carry dangerous chemical substances such as active gas.
Chemical NameResultChemical NameResult
Aniline$\triangle$Caustic Soda (10%, Room Temperature)$\unicode{x25CE}$
Butyl Acrylate$\times$Zinc Acetate$\unicode{x25CE}$
Acetylene$\unicode{x25CE}$Aluminium Acetate$\unicode{x25CE}$
Acetaldehyde$\triangle$Calcium Acetate$\unicode{x25CE}$
Acetone$\times$Lead Acetate$\unicode{x25CE}$
Sodium Sulfite$\unicode{x25CE}$Salad Oil$\triangle$
Sulfur$\unicode{x25CE}$Sodium Cyanide$\unicode{x25CE}$
Ammonium Chloride$\unicode{x25CE}$Sodium Hypochlorite (5%, Room Temperature)$\triangle$
Potassium Chloride$\unicode{x25CE}$Nitric Acid (10%, Room Temperature)$\triangle$
Calcium Chloride$\unicode{x25CE}$Nitric Acid (10%, 70$^\circ$C)$\times$
Mercury Chloride$\unicode{x25CE}$Calcium Hydroxide$\unicode{x25CE}$
Ferric Chloride$\unicode{x25CE}$Barium Hydroxide$\unicode{x25CE}$
Nickel Chloride$\unicode{x25CE}$Magnesium Hydroxide$\unicode{x25CE}$
Barium chloride$\unicode{x25CE}$Boric Hydrofluoric Acid$\unicode{x25CE}$
Magnesium Chloride$\unicode{x25CE}$Boric Acid$\unicode{x25CE}$
Hydrochloric Acid (20%, 80$^\circ$C)$\times$Methyl Ethyl Ketone$\times$
Salt Water$\unicode{x25CE}$Sulfuric Acid (10%, Room Temperature)$\unicode{x25CE}$
Chlorine Gas (Dry)$\unicode{x25CE}$Sulfuric Acid (10%, 70$^\circ$C)$\triangle$
Sulfuric Acid (30%, Room Temperature)$\unicode{x25CE}$Sulfuric Acid (30%, 70$^\circ$C)$\triangle$
Sulfuric Acid (98%, Room Temperature)$\times$

$\unicode{x25CE}$: Can be used without any influence.
$\bigcirc$: Can be used without any big influence, or almost no influence on material.
$\triangle$: Can be used though having an influence on material to some extent. Additional check before in use is required.
$\times$: Cannot be used.

Frequently Asked Question

Question: What does "Fats, Oils, and Fatty Foods" mean?
Answer: The definition is foods other than dry solid foods with an oil or fat content of approximately 20% or more in or on the surface of the food. The examples are butter, chocolate, mayonnaise, cheese and curry.